Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Stack has been defeated!

I just got off the phone with Tink. She has conquered The Stack!! I am very proud of her for successfully making it through the insane class load my alma mater threw at her this semester. She is now facing an onslaught of whiny student emails very similar to what Owen The Reader discussed in his comment on yesterday's post. I have advised her to ignore them and instead of thinking about all the negative ratings she might get on, she should remember the student who failed this semester but likes her enough he wants to retake MB's class next semester. I don't know of a bigger sign of a professor's popularity among students. :)

Mary Beth is celebrating her accomplishment by watching a RiffTrax while she packs her bags. Tomorrow she heads to Ohio for some quality time with Jim The Small Child Nephew and Will The Baby Nephew.

For those of you wondering about my status here in The Nation's Capital, I am happy to report that things couldn't be better. I tell MB all the time that the only piece of the puzzle missing right now in my life is her, and that will be solved in exactly seven months. I have three awesome roommates (pic below). They love to grill out and they share their steaks! We live in a nice townhouse only three miles from my ATC facility. It's a wonderful change from the 30-45 minute commutes I experienced in The Swamp.

Only two more weeks until I see my bride-to-be at:

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


This is The Stack typing. Mary Beth will not be appearing this evening, because I have crushed her beneath my wheels of comma splices and endlessness.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Stack

Here is why we don't have a longer post today.

Meet, ladies and gentlemen, The Stack. I have 48 hours to make The Stack go away. The Stack comes to my apartment at the end of each semester, and tomorrow I add another two or three inches to it. It has been building in my office throughout the day, and it at last topped the box (yes box) of candy on my desk. When the work outstrips the sugar supply, it's time to curl into a very small ball.

red pen at:

Monday, December 11, 2006


This week marked the first time I sent digital pictures out for printing. I just picked them up. It went even better than I hoped!

Okay, not that I'm the High Princess of Photography, but I'm pretty sure that when I uploaded this picture to the order, I had eyes and a forehead. I'm not a tremendous fan of my looks, but... it... really wasn't my intention to gently place in my scrapbook a deptiction of Will and Beth the Horribly Disfigured Aunt.

What happened here? I'm not going to name the drugstore where I sent the prints, so let us refer to it as RoofRed's. RoofRed's charges nineteen cents a print. I would like to know what kind of person, there at the RoofRed's, would pull this from the online ordering system all, "What a charming picture of an aunt and her nephew! I love the way the top of her head isn't there! It just makes the entire shot."

next time I'm going to RoofStore at:

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