Tuesday, June 22, 2004


Do you know that I came home from work and that little bastard was sitting OUTSIDE the Dustbuster, STILL ALIVE?! God I wish I were making this up. It wasn't going anywhere, but the antennae were still moving. So I tried to Dustbust it up some more, which didn't work, so finally I got out the broom and swept it out on the porch and shoved it under the staircase-- a drop of about fifteen feet. I ran down after it to make sure it was really, really dead-- and the antennae? Still waving. So I started shrieking and whacking it with the broom, because really, this was getting scary beyond regular bug-scary. You know what, screw the atom bomb, we need something that will take care of the cockroaches. I don't care if I'm a flaming husk, I just want to be sure the bugs are dead.

I'm pretty sure Pierre has assumed room temperature now, because although the antennae were still moving every now and then, it appeared to be the work of the wind. I think. Even in death, the sumbitch mocks me.

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