Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Taufling.... still pending

Julie is now four days past the due date and still we sit. The car seat has been installed in her new grocery wagon. An open suitcase sits all-but-the-shampoo-packed by my apartment door. Taufling, meanwhile, seems merely intent upon shoving his/her ass up into Julie's ribs.

My brother-in-law, with much swearing, has become the King of Assemblage. He's unboxed and put together everything Taufling could possibly need for survival until puberty, including--and I didn't even know these existed until about a month ago--this slingback chair type of thing that plays music and shakes Taufling around when s/he colicky. I'd get one of those for myself, actually, had God not already invented one and called it a "dryer."

My mother had a stern grandmotherly talk with Taufling yesterday when she met Julie for lunch. "It's up to you now," she told Taufling. "Everything's ready."

The crib even has even been spread with sheets; we just need a baby to put in it. Foaling is hell. I don't know how horses go through this for ELEVEN MONTHS.

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