Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Seeing as I've left it, I may now share pictures of the Secure Undisclosed Writing Residency.

Important items first. Behold Creepy The Clown:

I actually took this off the wall and carried it to the office of the residency director, demanding an explanation.

"I got it at a garage sale," she said. "It was a quarter."

I informed her that she overpaid, and returned to my garret.

Then there's Hissy The Cat:

At least he didn't scare me anymore after we made nice. I can't say the same for the clown.

jetlag at: mbe@drinktothelasses.com


HelloBettyLou said...

Nothing scarier than a clown

Anonymous said...

I suspect they should have paid her to take the clown away... That cat reminds me of one of my cats when I was growing up... she could be a bit hissy, but funny none the less.

Toni said...

9am is way too early to see that clown in a photo on the internet. I can't imagine the horror of waking up to it every day. Yikes!

Cbell said...

I think you should receive some sort of hazardous duty pay for having to live with the clown.

I work for an attorney... there are bound to be psychological issues you will need to be compensated for. It might pay for the wedding.

Just a thought...

LiteraryAlchemist said...

Holy frak. I thought you exaggerated the clown. I can think of only one explanation for hanging that up:

On the refrigerator of the "proud parents of the 8 year old who drew it".

Why it was framed and displayed otherwise... *shudder*

Anonymous said...

What kind of asstastic rathole did they have you live in? Forget the clown and the stray cat; love the nuclear-reactive orange oven mitt, and what on earth is the deal with that floor? Is that carpet? It looks like those times on "CSI" when they zoom inside someone's blood vessels.

Believe me, I know ratholes, and that's a rathole writ large. If you follow the cat, he'll probably take you to the place where they caught Saddam Hussein.

Anonymous said...

Okay, that clown picture is just not right!


Anonymous said...

That obviously came from STEPHEN KING'S garage sale...


Samantha said...

That clown is pretty bad - wouldn't you stop to think about WHY it's 25 cents at a garage sale?

On the other hand, did you get a lot of writing done? I have to be nosy, do you use a computer (Mac or PC), typewriter or write by hand??

Anonymous said...


I, too, repent of my clown-doubting ways. That is truly horrific.

ShannJ said...

That clown picture is so not right! Welcome home MB!!!

The Blogger Formerly Known as Boblawblogger said...

I would say "perhaps hissy and creepy should have had a rumble" but then I had this horrible image of the clown coming out victorious over hissy, then there would be the whole burial of the cat . . . then Pet Sematary would have happened. Nothing can ever be good when a clown picture like that is involved.

Anonymous said...

Aw, ain't no rathole, Mike. Just Arizona living. Well. Except for the clown. THAT was imported from hell.

College gal, I wish I could say that I sat on a rock and scratched my words into a leaf with a cactus needle, but I got a whole book proposal and 1/3 of an essay done here on my HP laptop. (Nothing against Macs; I'm an original Mac baby, but I got tired of not one bloomin' thing being compatable.)

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