Monday, October 02, 2006


Meet Me In St. Louis is showing right now on TCM, and I think the last time I saw it I was eleven years old and lying on the couch, either sick or pretending to be so. I do believe my adoration of sparkly head things came from Judy Garland's World's Most Beautiful Scarf in the "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" scene. Drop the sideways-through-the-door puffy sleeves and she's also wearing the World's Most Beautiful Dance Dress. She has earned this dress, after an enduring entire movie adorned primarily by various forms of whorehouse draperies. Because Hollywood knows that when people want glamour, they think: "Pom poms."

I can't remember the names of any of the students I've been staring at for eight weeks, but the entire orchestration for "Clang Clang Clang Went the Trolly," that I know by heart.

til the end of the line at:


Anonymous said...

Meet Me in St. Louis (-Louis) is my favorite movie. My grandfather taught me the title song when I was a toddler, and I used to entertain the neighbors by singing it at the top of my lungs.

Why do I love Meet Me in St. Louis (-Louis)? Well, it isn't because I love Judy Garland movies. I didn't even really like The Wizard of Oz. It isn't because of its historical accuracy. Minelli did an amazing job adding little period touches like the gaslights, the carriage steps, and the corset pain. However, there is no question that his is a romanticized view of turn of the century St. Louis (-Louis).

It's amazing to me that this movie hasn't become as famous for quotes as, say, Hamlet or Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Such gems as "Cabbage has a cabbage smell," "You've got a mighty strong grip for a girl", "He tried to kill me!", and my personal favorite "Personally, I wouldn't marry a man who proposed to me over an invention!" Oh, that Katie! She's such a card!

So, visit the ball gown at the Smithsonian, ride a trolley, and lean over a banister (I hear gaslight can be very flattering). I watch Meet Me in St. Louis (-Louis) with each change of the season, and it's about that time again. I'm so glad you could join me!

Carrie said...

"Meet Me in St. Louis" has been a holiday tradition in our house for many years. We'd pop the tape in the VCR, and set to trimming the Christmas tree to the sounds of Judy Garland. Her rendition of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" is just heartbreakingly beautiful.

Aaaand now th Trolley Song is stuck in my head...

Stephanie said...

So nice to meet some other Meet Me in St. Louis-Louis fans. I love the way the mother "handled" the father in this movie, as well as Judy Garland's singing, and that darned trolley song clang-clang-clangs its way into my head for days, but it's worth it.

Stephanie said...

So nice to meet some other Meet Me in St. Louis-Louis fans. I love the way the mother "handled" the father in this movie, as well as Judy Garland's singing, and that darned trolley song clang-clang-clangs its way into my head for days, but it's worth it.

Anonymous said...

I love Meet Me In St. Louis! Judy Garland is one of my favorite actresses and her voice is at it's best in this movie! Too bad I missed it one TCM. I need to get the DVD.

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