Friday, May 14, 2004

Sorry 'bout that, Gary....

I seem to have inadvertently jinxed Gary Stevens. He's currently riding in France, and lately he's been on an absolute tear. Win! Win! Win! Win! Get the hell out of my way, you with your frog horses! There is no stopping The Iceman! It has honestly been weeks and weeks since he's not at least finished in the money. (Granted, all this winning has taken place largely against French jockeys. I don't know if they have been just surrendering to him immediately in the paddock, or if they wait until they get all the way to out the starting gate to do it.)

Now, I do PR writing for Gary's website, and the other day when I checked his results out of Saint-Cloud I actually threw up my hands and cursingly broke out the thesaurus because I was literally running out of ways to type, "Gary Stevens won... again... some more." Damn you, Gary Stevens! Damn you and your victorious ways!

Well. Yesterday he actually did NOT post a win. A show, yes, but nothing more.


Ah, he'll pick it up again in the Preakness on Saturday. I hope. My thesaurus and I, we were enjoying the challenge.

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