Wednesday, November 05, 2003

It Takes a Village Person

The gayest man in the history of the planet permed my hair yesterday. I mean he just permed the living hell out of it. I possess neither the time nor the energy nor the therapy to go into it in detail right now, but since I care about you, my Reading Public, I felt an obigation to inform you that I now have You Can't Do That On Television hair. Updates on my condition and conditioner shall follow. Until then, reflect upon the quote for this moon cycle: "When life gives you capri pants, make Capri Sun."

(And you bleeding PC'ers, get your hands off the keyboard. The fact that I was poodle-haired by an extremely flaming stylist remains that: a fact. If you want to call me "the most hetero woman in the history of the planet," go ahead on.)

I'll be in the bathroom, SHAVING MY FREAKING HEAD.

Email The Poodle at:

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